time to celebrate - lightsphere turns 4!

01. 06. 2018

Today 4 years ago on 01.06.2014 the experiment «lightsphere» was started.

At that time we were full of confidence and enthusiasm with many ideas and the desire to create something unique.

When we look back today, one thing really stands out for us. We achieved much more than we could have imagined 4 years ago. Enthusiasm is unbroken and our team has grown with two amazing and motivated people.

In addition to great projects, we could even pick up a few international awards.

However, you are successful only in a team. Therefore, today we would like to thank our great customers, clients and partners for their support. Together with you and the trust placed in us, we have already successfully passed four exciting and eventful years on the market.

We look back satisfied and a little proud and full of motivation into the future for many more years to come.

#welovelight #teamwork #lightspherewird4 #celebratinglight